Second life bento skeleton bones blender download
Second life bento skeleton bones blender download

This means that all existing avatars and attachments will continue to function as designed and will not need to be updated. The "classic" (default) Second Life avatar is not changing with the introduction of Project Bento, and all the existing joints in the avatar skeleton have not been altered. These new bones support rigging and animation to provide the opportunity for a much wider range of avatar body types, facial expressions, and animations than is currently possible in Second Life. Project Bento is an extension to the existing avatar skeleton to include many new bones, joints, and attachment points. This resets the skeleton for you only other Residents in the area (including the distorted avatar) will see no change. If you are running the Release Candidate Viewer and still observe a distorted avatar, you can reset your view of the avatar's skeleton by right-clicking the avatar and choosing Reset Skeleton. This is expected during the Release Candidate period and will be resolved once Project Bento leaves Release Candidate status. Note: Because Project Bento makes changes to the Second Life avatar skeleton, some avatars (specifically, those using the new joints, bones, and animations allowed by Project Bento) will appear to be distorted or "bunched up" to Residents who are not running the Project Bento Release Candidate Viewer. What features are available to help troubleshoot issues with my avatar skeleton?.What are the system requirements for Project Bento?.How will Project Bento affect my old content?.I am using a classic (non-mesh) avatar.What kind of content can take advantage of the new joints?.What do I need in order to use the new joints?.

second life bento skeleton bones blender download

New bones, joints, and attachment points.

Second life bento skeleton bones blender download