Hopefully that doesn't look too intimidating! R'DRIVER= SERVER=,1433 DATABASE=AdventureWorksDW2012 UID=tanya PWD=Tanya1234' That is described in the Client Driver Installation section below.Įstablish a connection to the SQL Server database with an appropriately constructed connection statement: conn = nnect(
Install the SQL Server drivers for your platform on the client system.
If you're the kind of person who just wants the punch line and not the story, there are three core steps to connect to an existing SQL Server database: If you run into any trouble let us know either through the Anaconda Community Support mailing list or on Twitter TL DR: For the Impatient The instructions should work for many versions SQL Server, Python and Anaconda, including Anaconda Enterprise, our commercially oriented version of Anaconda that adds in strong collaboration, security, and server deployment capabilities. This blog post demonstrates how Anaconda and Anaconda Enterprise can be used on the client-side to connect Python running on Windows, Mac, or Linux to a SQL Server instance.
With the news that Microsoft SQL Server 2017 has increased support for Python, by including a subset of Anaconda packages on the server-side, I thought it would be useful to demonstrate how Anaconda delivers the easy button to get Python on the client side connected to Microsoft SQL Server. Previously there were many twisty roads that you may have followed if you wanted to use Python on a client system to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server database, and not all of those roads would even get you to your destination.